So today is Saturday and I am working again. I am not sure if its the weather or what but I REALLY do not want to be here today. My patience is already very thin with customers and store associates and I have only been here for an hour. It might be time to turn the job search up a notch, I would kill for a job with weekends off. I haven't mentioned this too much but I have been looking for new employment opportunities. I even went and bought a suit, that equals dedication in my book. Kevin was showing me how to revamp my resume to get into the field that I am interested in. I am looking into sales because they are more likely to over look my lacking college degree.
I put my resume up and have been getting good responses and have had interviews and even received job offers. The first interview I had was with this insurance sales company and it was 100% commission and I am just not really into it. I prefer to sell a product instead of a service and I am not ready for the 100% commission pay plan. I am looking for a decent base, around 30K, plus commission. I received an offer from this company up in the alliance area. It was with a staffing company but it seems to me that its more like telemarketing and I am not wanting to do that either. I would like to work with people face to face not out of a call center. They told me that most people there make over 100K a year but the parking lot is filled with Hondas and other cars that people who make 100K a year don't buy. It seemed a little fishy so I skipped on that one as well.
I didn't go to sparring last night since I missed class all week. I have been thinking about my training and how to make it more effective. I think that what it comes down to is mindset. I think I need to dedicate myself to my art and really work at the small things to get to the level that I want to be at. I am really not sure how to do this but I am going to start going to more Friday night classes and once I get a new job I will go on Saturday mornings as well. I am really going to start working my forms every day because there is so much in those forms that will drill small stuff.
Poker last night didn't go as well as it did earlier this week, but I think that is partially my fault. I had my 6 NLH tables open and 2 PLO tables and I think that mixing them is really bad. I found myself playing very weak-tight on the NLH tables. My percentage of hands that I won when I saw the flop was much lower than it usually is. I wound up at one point down 3 buy-ins but fought my way back to profit half a buy in for the evening. It was not a great session by any stretch but better than losing. I was missing a lot of flops and people who were paying off really lightly most of the time were snap folding when I had the goods.
I am going to continue at my current level until my lifetime stats are in the green. I need to make about 5 buy-ins to hit that mark. That will also put me at a bankroll that is sufficient for the next level up. I am eager to take a shot but I am forcing myself to slow down and maintain discipline. I might take a shot here and there, but I am not going to play permanently until I have both of those goals accomplished.
Enough about all that, it is time to talk about the reason that I am posting. I was cruising myspace, looking for friends from old jobs that I haven't spoken to in awhile. I keep seeing these photos on myspace of people smoking pot. Anyone who knows me knows that I don't do that and never have. I think its stupid to put photos of yourself on a publicly accessed site of you doing something illegal. Sure nothing is going to come of it, you are not going to get in trouble, but why are you putting it out there for everyone to see? My cousin has photos of himself smoking and it is just ridiculous. How can you not even think about how that might come back in get you in trouble?
I saw one caption for a picture of this girl that I used to work with that said, "doing what I do." She had the obligatory glassy eyes and glass pipe in her mouth. Is that really what you want to be known for?
"Sure you know (insert name here) she smokes a lot of pot and is really good at it." Not really how I want to be described, just as I wouldn't want to be described as the guy who drinks a lot. I am sure that there are pictures of me drinking a beer, or sitting in a bar but it is different. First of all, there is no caption that says something "clever" about how much a drink or how good I am at it. Second, alcohol is legal unlike pot. I am not going to discuss the pot vs alcohol topic because since I have never smoked I am not the best qualified.
My cousin is always telling the family that he doesn't smoke pot. It is probably not the smartest idea to put pictures of yourself doing it on a website that is so popular that most people with computer access know of it. Don't worry Adam I am not going to rat you out. Your useless enough as it is and everyone knows that your smoking pot anyway, there would be no point.
I dont hate people who smoke pot, if that is your thing then whatever, just keep it to yourself.
That is all for now.
Until later.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Sparring, Deuces Cracked, and the return to profitability
This is going to be a "longish" post because I have a lot to update on. There has been a lot going on since last Monday. Let me go ahead and get the big thing out of the way.
Sparring on Saturday really did not go at all the way I was intending, I got rocked. This was my first attempt at sparring and prior to this I had only done touch hands with a few people. I was not sure what to expect and I was a little worried that I would not be aggressive enough. I watched one match and then Sifu put me up against a guy named Ryan who is a red sash, about my height and probably 50 pounds heavier. We start the match and being inside my headgear is much different than what I expected. It kind of gives my tunnel vision and it is pretty hard to see. We exchange a few blows and then he comes outside with this blow that put the back of his fist against the side of my head, right in the ear hole in my headgear. This was not a light blow, I kept my feet and we reset up and he does it again but this time he turns his hand so its an open handed palm and it fucked my whole world up. I was dizzy and I was having a hard time keeping my feet, I knew I was done.
I have a seat and Sifu has the same guy fight Jorim who is also a red sash. This guy is hitting pretty hard and then he catches Jorim with a palm to the face and you see Jorim's head snap back. Sifu stops the fight and tells Ryan that he is done for the day. Sparring isn't about hitting as hard as you can, it is about working technique at a faster pace that will communicate some force but not be staggering. You have to be able to maintain control when sparring to keep people from getting hurt.
After the class was over Sifu spoke with me and let me know that he put me with Ryan because he is known for not "amping out" in his first match. He thought it would be a good match for my first ever sparring match. Other people in the school have all told me that he has had problems with control for quite a while. It kind of left a bad taste in my mouth as far as sparring goes. It really made me look at myself and I don't know if I am ready for sparring. I enjoy Kung-Fu for the technique and it seems the majority of that goes out the window when you spar, then again it might just be me. I am not sure if I am going to attend the other sparring classes yet. I didn't go to class last night either because since Saturday my ear has been closed up. I don't think its because of those hits I could just be getting sick but its throwing me off a little bit. Hopefully it opens up pretty soon, I HATE when my ears are closed.
I joined a poker training site called Deuces Cracked. It is a site that makes videos and offers coaching a lot like Cardrunners and Lego Poker and all the other poker video sites that are popping up everywhere. The thing that I like about DC is that it will have multiple videos dedicated to a certain topic, so more like a mini-series. Cardrunners for the most part was always the same information, be in position, be aggressive. There were gems of wisdom here and there but you couldn't count on it really. I am watching a couple of different series on DC one of them being on pot limit Omaha, a game that I am familiar with but by no means any kind of good player. The site is also very good because they offer the option to download the videos so you can watch them on your Ipod. You can't do that on Cardrunners the last time I checked which is a huge deal to me since the firewall at work won't let me access the site. I will be watching a PLO video on my Ipod here in a little bit.
NLH(no limit hold'em) has been good to me the past few days. I had a 3 buy in day on Sunday and a 5 buy in day yesterday. I think that watching a video before I play is putting me into a more solid state of mind and is helping my play. I am even for the month in Omaha we will see how it goes and I will keep you updated. I paid for the poker tracker Omaha edition so I can keep better tabs on it. Obviously, my earlier goal of being at 25NL probably isn't going to happy by April first. I am OK with that and know that I will make it there eventually.

I watched this movie the other night and I was blown away. I like the majority of the Coen brothers' movies and this was no exception. I don't want to give anything away, but I really like how they didn't feel the need to ruin the ending like a lot of film makers in the U.S. do. I highly recommend it to everyone, I don't care what your usual tastes in movies are.
I was going to go to a Mavericks game tonight with Melissa, Kevin and his girl Emily. I was in the process of trying to get the O.K. to leave early and take a short lunch. I was getting a lot of resistance in this and its kind of irritating because after 6 we are dead anyway. Melissa then called me and let me know that Bella was having another seizure thing. She has had one before where her whole body goes completely rigid and she passes out and pukes a lot. It wouldn't be a good idea to leave her in the crate all night so we are not going. I was excited about the game because I have not ever been before, but there is always next time.
Tomorrow Melissa and I are going to drop Bella off for her check up and then we are going to go visit her Grandparents up in Gainsville. I don't have a problem going up there I just wish it was a little closer. All that driving makes for a long day and then I will go to Kung-Fu after that, doesn't really seem like a day off. They are very cool people though so it is really not a big deal.
Well I think that is all for now. I am about to head to lunch.
Until later.
Sparring on Saturday really did not go at all the way I was intending, I got rocked. This was my first attempt at sparring and prior to this I had only done touch hands with a few people. I was not sure what to expect and I was a little worried that I would not be aggressive enough. I watched one match and then Sifu put me up against a guy named Ryan who is a red sash, about my height and probably 50 pounds heavier. We start the match and being inside my headgear is much different than what I expected. It kind of gives my tunnel vision and it is pretty hard to see. We exchange a few blows and then he comes outside with this blow that put the back of his fist against the side of my head, right in the ear hole in my headgear. This was not a light blow, I kept my feet and we reset up and he does it again but this time he turns his hand so its an open handed palm and it fucked my whole world up. I was dizzy and I was having a hard time keeping my feet, I knew I was done.
I have a seat and Sifu has the same guy fight Jorim who is also a red sash. This guy is hitting pretty hard and then he catches Jorim with a palm to the face and you see Jorim's head snap back. Sifu stops the fight and tells Ryan that he is done for the day. Sparring isn't about hitting as hard as you can, it is about working technique at a faster pace that will communicate some force but not be staggering. You have to be able to maintain control when sparring to keep people from getting hurt.
After the class was over Sifu spoke with me and let me know that he put me with Ryan because he is known for not "amping out" in his first match. He thought it would be a good match for my first ever sparring match. Other people in the school have all told me that he has had problems with control for quite a while. It kind of left a bad taste in my mouth as far as sparring goes. It really made me look at myself and I don't know if I am ready for sparring. I enjoy Kung-Fu for the technique and it seems the majority of that goes out the window when you spar, then again it might just be me. I am not sure if I am going to attend the other sparring classes yet. I didn't go to class last night either because since Saturday my ear has been closed up. I don't think its because of those hits I could just be getting sick but its throwing me off a little bit. Hopefully it opens up pretty soon, I HATE when my ears are closed.
I joined a poker training site called Deuces Cracked. It is a site that makes videos and offers coaching a lot like Cardrunners and Lego Poker and all the other poker video sites that are popping up everywhere. The thing that I like about DC is that it will have multiple videos dedicated to a certain topic, so more like a mini-series. Cardrunners for the most part was always the same information, be in position, be aggressive. There were gems of wisdom here and there but you couldn't count on it really. I am watching a couple of different series on DC one of them being on pot limit Omaha, a game that I am familiar with but by no means any kind of good player. The site is also very good because they offer the option to download the videos so you can watch them on your Ipod. You can't do that on Cardrunners the last time I checked which is a huge deal to me since the firewall at work won't let me access the site. I will be watching a PLO video on my Ipod here in a little bit.
NLH(no limit hold'em) has been good to me the past few days. I had a 3 buy in day on Sunday and a 5 buy in day yesterday. I think that watching a video before I play is putting me into a more solid state of mind and is helping my play. I am even for the month in Omaha we will see how it goes and I will keep you updated. I paid for the poker tracker Omaha edition so I can keep better tabs on it. Obviously, my earlier goal of being at 25NL probably isn't going to happy by April first. I am OK with that and know that I will make it there eventually.

I watched this movie the other night and I was blown away. I like the majority of the Coen brothers' movies and this was no exception. I don't want to give anything away, but I really like how they didn't feel the need to ruin the ending like a lot of film makers in the U.S. do. I highly recommend it to everyone, I don't care what your usual tastes in movies are.
I was going to go to a Mavericks game tonight with Melissa, Kevin and his girl Emily. I was in the process of trying to get the O.K. to leave early and take a short lunch. I was getting a lot of resistance in this and its kind of irritating because after 6 we are dead anyway. Melissa then called me and let me know that Bella was having another seizure thing. She has had one before where her whole body goes completely rigid and she passes out and pukes a lot. It wouldn't be a good idea to leave her in the crate all night so we are not going. I was excited about the game because I have not ever been before, but there is always next time.
Tomorrow Melissa and I are going to drop Bella off for her check up and then we are going to go visit her Grandparents up in Gainsville. I don't have a problem going up there I just wish it was a little closer. All that driving makes for a long day and then I will go to Kung-Fu after that, doesn't really seem like a day off. They are very cool people though so it is really not a big deal.
Well I think that is all for now. I am about to head to lunch.
Until later.
Monday, March 17, 2008
New $5 and other randomness
This morning I was buying my breakfast and paid with cash which is kind of rare. I received my change and it had a new $5. It looks pretty crazy and the 5 on the back makes it look like Monopoly money. I am linking a photo.

It is Monday and I am working because I need Saturday off for sparring. I haven't worked on a Monday in a while, its just another day. I am leaving work dashing home to change and leaving immediately to get to Kung-Fu. Hopefully I will get to work on something new tonight. I miss the days where every class I was learning new techniques, now it is all about the small stuff. Tweaking little things to improve efficiency and generate the correct energy.
I played a little poker on Friday. It was a very swingy night, I was up a buy in then down 3 and then finally managed to make it back to +$4 for the session. I am not sure what the deal is but I hope this break even stretch is over soon. In the first 300 hands I had already gotten a few sick beats. I got all in with a set vs a higher set, flop two pair against a flush draw and the guy shoves and flush vs a better flush. Just kind of a cooler night over all.
Saturday night after I got off work Melissa and I met up with Renee, Amy, Matt, Chad, and Vic to go have some drinks. I had every intention of making it an early night and then all of the sudden I hear "LAST CALL." What the fuck, so much for an early night. It was a good time except for it being way the hell out in Arlington. I was drinking Killian's Irish Red for the holiday and I had a Jager Bomb. No hang over the next day or anything just a slight headache.
I am so tired of Canadian people calling to bitch about the price difference. We ship the merchandise from the US. You don't think that is expensive? We are all really happy that your dollar is finally worth something but come on eh. It is all I hear about all day. Your "gouging" us and we are really informed and blah blah blah. Please shut up and go play hockey.
Before this whole thing I didn't hate on Canadians. I really like hockey and think that they have some really cool things up there. I have friends who are Canadian from playing online video games (yea I know I am lame). This whole thing is rapidly changing my opinion about them though. This customer just told me that he could drive down but that would take too much time and wanted me to adjust the price. Piss off, if you want it for cheaper make the drive. If you see something at a store and its cheaper but you have to make a drive to get the lower price you make the drive or you pay more. Its not rocket science.
It is a long shot but I hope their dollar drops again so we don't get so many of these calls. That is really all for now.
Until later.

It is Monday and I am working because I need Saturday off for sparring. I haven't worked on a Monday in a while, its just another day. I am leaving work dashing home to change and leaving immediately to get to Kung-Fu. Hopefully I will get to work on something new tonight. I miss the days where every class I was learning new techniques, now it is all about the small stuff. Tweaking little things to improve efficiency and generate the correct energy.
I played a little poker on Friday. It was a very swingy night, I was up a buy in then down 3 and then finally managed to make it back to +$4 for the session. I am not sure what the deal is but I hope this break even stretch is over soon. In the first 300 hands I had already gotten a few sick beats. I got all in with a set vs a higher set, flop two pair against a flush draw and the guy shoves and flush vs a better flush. Just kind of a cooler night over all.
Saturday night after I got off work Melissa and I met up with Renee, Amy, Matt, Chad, and Vic to go have some drinks. I had every intention of making it an early night and then all of the sudden I hear "LAST CALL." What the fuck, so much for an early night. It was a good time except for it being way the hell out in Arlington. I was drinking Killian's Irish Red for the holiday and I had a Jager Bomb. No hang over the next day or anything just a slight headache.
I am so tired of Canadian people calling to bitch about the price difference. We ship the merchandise from the US. You don't think that is expensive? We are all really happy that your dollar is finally worth something but come on eh. It is all I hear about all day. Your "gouging" us and we are really informed and blah blah blah. Please shut up and go play hockey.
Before this whole thing I didn't hate on Canadians. I really like hockey and think that they have some really cool things up there. I have friends who are Canadian from playing online video games (yea I know I am lame). This whole thing is rapidly changing my opinion about them though. This customer just told me that he could drive down but that would take too much time and wanted me to adjust the price. Piss off, if you want it for cheaper make the drive. If you see something at a store and its cheaper but you have to make a drive to get the lower price you make the drive or you pay more. Its not rocket science.
It is a long shot but I hope their dollar drops again so we don't get so many of these calls. That is really all for now.
Until later.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Been a busy week
I had actually forgotten the last time I updated this and had to take a look. Lets talk about the show on Saturday first. Oliver Future was amazing as always really good show. They are playing 10 shows this week down in Austin for SXSW. That is a pretty cool deal its a large festival. The opening band The Burning Hotels was meh, nothing special in my opinion. I am not a fan of the wailing vocals that many bands including this one are using. No one else went so it was just Melissa and I. We drank slowly because with daylight savings time going into effect that night and both of us having to work it didn't seem like a great idea to get drunk.
On Sunday after work I went to go see 10,000 BC and it really was not that good. It seemed like they were trying to hard. The previews were amazing but it seemed like the journey was so long that last fight was short. There was one portion in the jungle and you couldn't tell what was going on at all.
Poker has been break even this week. I had a rough night last night that pretty much took up any profit I had made for the week. Hopefully that turns around. I keep seeing all these people just calling with QQ and KK from the SB or the BB. I lose some big pots to people like that but its just such a horrible play overall. No big deal though, it will turn around I am sure.
I went to the Dallas Aquarium on Wednesday and that was meh. I was honestly expecting a little bit more out of it. The price was like $18 a person. I got some good photos and I will put them up eventually. It was field trip day so there were kids EVERYWHERE. It was putting me a little on edge because they have no sense of personal space. The drive and price of admission kind of makes this not worth it in my opinion.
I went to class on Monday and Wednesday this week so that is really good. I need to work more on my footwork, I don't pay attention to it during touch hands and it messes me up. Matt is in town as well and its good to have him in class.
I bought a suit yesterday which was an experience in itself. This is my first suit and I got a sport jacket that will work with the suit pants. It was pretty expensive but everyone needs a suit. I bought mine for a job interview that I have next week. We will see what happens with that.
I tried to pay my cable bill online today and I always have problems with the website. The account locked up and I was chatting with a service rep in order to get it unlocked. He wanted my security question and answer. I asked him for the question and he said that I had to give it to him. Well is it a question that I make up or is it one from a predetermined list. He wouldn't give me the information. That kind of ruins the point of it being a question and answer, its more of a two part password. So when I get home I will pay that bill. I emailed them about it because its just ridiculous. I don't want you to make changes just unlock the thing so I can PAY you for your services.
Thats it for now, I am on lunch and am hungry.
Until later
On Sunday after work I went to go see 10,000 BC and it really was not that good. It seemed like they were trying to hard. The previews were amazing but it seemed like the journey was so long that last fight was short. There was one portion in the jungle and you couldn't tell what was going on at all.
Poker has been break even this week. I had a rough night last night that pretty much took up any profit I had made for the week. Hopefully that turns around. I keep seeing all these people just calling with QQ and KK from the SB or the BB. I lose some big pots to people like that but its just such a horrible play overall. No big deal though, it will turn around I am sure.
I went to the Dallas Aquarium on Wednesday and that was meh. I was honestly expecting a little bit more out of it. The price was like $18 a person. I got some good photos and I will put them up eventually. It was field trip day so there were kids EVERYWHERE. It was putting me a little on edge because they have no sense of personal space. The drive and price of admission kind of makes this not worth it in my opinion.
I went to class on Monday and Wednesday this week so that is really good. I need to work more on my footwork, I don't pay attention to it during touch hands and it messes me up. Matt is in town as well and its good to have him in class.
I bought a suit yesterday which was an experience in itself. This is my first suit and I got a sport jacket that will work with the suit pants. It was pretty expensive but everyone needs a suit. I bought mine for a job interview that I have next week. We will see what happens with that.
I tried to pay my cable bill online today and I always have problems with the website. The account locked up and I was chatting with a service rep in order to get it unlocked. He wanted my security question and answer. I asked him for the question and he said that I had to give it to him. Well is it a question that I make up or is it one from a predetermined list. He wouldn't give me the information. That kind of ruins the point of it being a question and answer, its more of a two part password. So when I get home I will pay that bill. I emailed them about it because its just ridiculous. I don't want you to make changes just unlock the thing so I can PAY you for your services.
Thats it for now, I am on lunch and am hungry.
Until later
Saturday, March 8, 2008
10 buys in last night
So as you can already tell last night was a very good poker night. I am going to take a shot at the next level tonight, lets hope I run decently. I think my bankroll is up enough for me to handle any swings. It is not going to be a long session because I am going to the Oliver Future show at The Moon tonight. It has been about 6 months since I have seen them and I am really excited.
Not much else is going on really. I am working and I am almost done for the day. Saturdays can be a whip because its usually just a bunch of associates who don't know what they hell they are doing.
I watched this trailer and I think its going to be awesome. If you need a little funny in your day check this out.
Foot Fist Way.
That is really it for now. I will post tomorrow with results of tonight's session and give a trip report of the show.
Until later.
Not much else is going on really. I am working and I am almost done for the day. Saturdays can be a whip because its usually just a bunch of associates who don't know what they hell they are doing.
I watched this trailer and I think its going to be awesome. If you need a little funny in your day check this out.
Foot Fist Way.
That is really it for now. I will post tomorrow with results of tonight's session and give a trip report of the show.
Until later.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Its snowing and I am at work
The weather is really shitty outside. I have heard that the streets are horrible. All the salary people have left already because of the weather. I am stuck here taking phone calls. Its going to be AWESOME driving home in the Ranger. Today has been such a beating every customer has been sucking my soul to no end. I cant wait to go home.
I made my return to class last night. It was a pretty normal night I didn't to anything overly great, just worked on the fundamentals of this level like progressions and such.
I am running well at 5NL and I am going to hang out there for awhile. The next time I move to 10NL I want to be over rolled so I can with stand any variance. It shouldn't be too long hopefully, but we shall see.
Nothing much is going on just biding time until I can go home.
Here are pics of the snow from the office windows

Until later.
I made my return to class last night. It was a pretty normal night I didn't to anything overly great, just worked on the fundamentals of this level like progressions and such.
I am running well at 5NL and I am going to hang out there for awhile. The next time I move to 10NL I want to be over rolled so I can with stand any variance. It shouldn't be too long hopefully, but we shall see.
Nothing much is going on just biding time until I can go home.
Here are pics of the snow from the office windows

Until later.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Poker is whipping my ass
So things in poker have drastically turned around. I am down 10 buy ins for the month and have to move down. I am very beaten down about it right now. There is no reason why I shouldn’t be able to beat 10NL with as long as I have been playing and as hard as I work on my game. I took some sick beats yesterday. I had AA and the flop is Axx (x = cards that don’t really matter to the hands involved) I bet and he calls the turn is a Q I bet again and he calls and the river is a 10 I bet and he min raises me. I call and he has KJ for a straight. The fucking idiot called me on the flop to pick up a gut shot on the turn. Then I have QQ and raise the flop is 10xx and he leads out. I raise him and he shoves all in for the rest of his stack. I of course call and he has A10 and hits the ace on the river. I am really frustrated about having to move down and really pissed that all these fucking morons run so well against me. Sure thing, call my raise with A4 against my KK and hit the ace every fucking time. Please call me down with your gut shot straight draw you have a whopping 4 outs and hit it on the river. You are only like an 85% underdog. I know that in the long run I want people to make those calls, but lets be honest people only want those calls when they miss.
I went to Olive Garden on Saturday night and it was a pretty bad experience. We were waiting and the little pager goes off and the host takes us over to one side of the restaurant and says, “Oopps wrong table.” He takes us back to the entrance and hands me the pager and just expecting us to wait. The manager thankfully saw this and led us to another table. I think that our tables wasn’t actually in an active section, I think that she just asked someone to pick us up. I remember what that was like, the manager comes up and asks you to pick up a table, you are already expecting them to be pissed off and not happy. I hated tables like that when I was a waiter. Our server was a black girl and there are not usually a lot of black people in the serving industry, she did an okay job not great. Melissa ordered a seafood pasta dish and they gave her chicken pasta. Melissa didn’t want me to bring is up but I hate eating food that I did not order. I had them remake it and it didn’t take very long at all.
The thing that was most interesting about the dinner was the server herself. I am not sure if it was because she thought that we were pissed of if this was naturally the way that she acted. She called me sir constantly and was so overly obsequious. I felt very uncomfortable and told her multiple times to just call me John and not sir. I was thinking that this feels very weird and not comfortable but I didn’t want to say anything out loud and then Melissa said the same thing. As soon as she said it I was like thank God it is not just me.
Sunday night Melissa, Kevin and I went to see Vantage Point. The commercials looked really good and I was pumped to see it. It was not as good as I was expecting. It was kind of transparent I think it could have been done better. It was just too easy to figure out “who done it.” I think the next movie I will try to see will be Semi-Pro; I am not sure where to set my sights with this movie at all. I well blog about it after I see it.
We had some bad weather yesterday and I called Sifu to make sure that we were going to have class and he said yes. The weather was worse than people were expecting and they shut the water off due to a freeze warning so he cancelled class. I showed up and there was no one there so I talked with him for a bit about my knee issues and then went home. The weather wasn’t that bad even in my little pick-up truck, no sliding or anything. So I have to wait until tomorrow to do some Kung-Fu. Matt will be back in town on Sunday night and will be here for 2 weeks and that is going to be good. He motivates me to get my ass in class and work. Sparring is starting on the 22nd of this month I am super motivated for that. It will be a true test of how much I have learned.
Oliver Future is going to have a show on Saturday and I am pumped for that as well. I have not seen them since October I think. It has been awhile. They are playing with a band called The Burning Hotels. I don’t know anything about them but we will see if they are good. I think that is pretty much it. I will move down to rebuild and will keep updating.
Until later.
I went to Olive Garden on Saturday night and it was a pretty bad experience. We were waiting and the little pager goes off and the host takes us over to one side of the restaurant and says, “Oopps wrong table.” He takes us back to the entrance and hands me the pager and just expecting us to wait. The manager thankfully saw this and led us to another table. I think that our tables wasn’t actually in an active section, I think that she just asked someone to pick us up. I remember what that was like, the manager comes up and asks you to pick up a table, you are already expecting them to be pissed off and not happy. I hated tables like that when I was a waiter. Our server was a black girl and there are not usually a lot of black people in the serving industry, she did an okay job not great. Melissa ordered a seafood pasta dish and they gave her chicken pasta. Melissa didn’t want me to bring is up but I hate eating food that I did not order. I had them remake it and it didn’t take very long at all.
The thing that was most interesting about the dinner was the server herself. I am not sure if it was because she thought that we were pissed of if this was naturally the way that she acted. She called me sir constantly and was so overly obsequious. I felt very uncomfortable and told her multiple times to just call me John and not sir. I was thinking that this feels very weird and not comfortable but I didn’t want to say anything out loud and then Melissa said the same thing. As soon as she said it I was like thank God it is not just me.
Sunday night Melissa, Kevin and I went to see Vantage Point. The commercials looked really good and I was pumped to see it. It was not as good as I was expecting. It was kind of transparent I think it could have been done better. It was just too easy to figure out “who done it.” I think the next movie I will try to see will be Semi-Pro; I am not sure where to set my sights with this movie at all. I well blog about it after I see it.
We had some bad weather yesterday and I called Sifu to make sure that we were going to have class and he said yes. The weather was worse than people were expecting and they shut the water off due to a freeze warning so he cancelled class. I showed up and there was no one there so I talked with him for a bit about my knee issues and then went home. The weather wasn’t that bad even in my little pick-up truck, no sliding or anything. So I have to wait until tomorrow to do some Kung-Fu. Matt will be back in town on Sunday night and will be here for 2 weeks and that is going to be good. He motivates me to get my ass in class and work. Sparring is starting on the 22nd of this month I am super motivated for that. It will be a true test of how much I have learned.
Oliver Future is going to have a show on Saturday and I am pumped for that as well. I have not seen them since October I think. It has been awhile. They are playing with a band called The Burning Hotels. I don’t know anything about them but we will see if they are good. I think that is pretty much it. I will move down to rebuild and will keep updating.
Until later.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Hmmmm. This is the best title I could think of.
Today has been a pretty busy Saturday much to my dismay, every time I look up as I am ending a phone call it seems like there are 3 calls on hold. Come on people its Saturday, you don't have anything better to do than hunt down that one pillow you saw on a friend of friend's couch? Weekends are also bad for having to help out stores. They call in with the stupidest questions and it can be such a beating.
Its always the manager on duty who calls in and they should know this information and they don't. It can be such a beating when people are lazy and they are not able to do their job.
Poker has been good this week. I have moved up to a limit that I have beaten before but lately I have been having issues and lost like 14 buy ins. I have made 6.5 of them back. Last night I played and just didn't run well, all my big hands were missing and people were playing crazy so I wasn't getting away with anything. QQ VS JJ all in on the flop and he hits a jack on the river. There were three separate times last night when I was beat by runner runner. People called the flop in order to pick up a draw on the turn. It was a long night.
It is a new month and hopefully I will continue on the same trend of this month but with a little less variance. Goal is to be back to 25NL soon, I think my frame of mind and current outlook are good i just gotta put in the hands.
I haven't done any Kung-Fu this week and its driving me nuts. I have been taking it easy so this pain in my knee and my hand will go away. The hand is a ligament/tendon issue that just needs to heal. I am not sure what the deal with my knee. It is not the same pain that I had when I was running all the time in the Army. This is more in the front lower portion when there is weight on the leg but its not 100% of the time. I am hesitant to go to the doctor because I am not sure how much they can do, I am taking these joint pills and they help but it takes a long time to get them in your system. I plan on being back in class this week, so that way I am ready for sparring.
I am currently listening to "The Information" by Beck. I have it on my ipod and I am just letting it run while I am working with one headphone in. Such a great CD. If you don't have it I suggest that you give it a listen. Melissa is going to a show tonight and she wants me to go, but I looked up the bands and was not impressed so I don't think I will be going. The name of the band is the Meat Puppets and they do a lot of Nirvana like music, which is not my scene at all. I think I will hang out at home playing poker or meet up with Chad or Kevin.
I guess that is pretty much it. Nothing much else to say.
Until later.
Its always the manager on duty who calls in and they should know this information and they don't. It can be such a beating when people are lazy and they are not able to do their job.
Poker has been good this week. I have moved up to a limit that I have beaten before but lately I have been having issues and lost like 14 buy ins. I have made 6.5 of them back. Last night I played and just didn't run well, all my big hands were missing and people were playing crazy so I wasn't getting away with anything. QQ VS JJ all in on the flop and he hits a jack on the river. There were three separate times last night when I was beat by runner runner. People called the flop in order to pick up a draw on the turn. It was a long night.
It is a new month and hopefully I will continue on the same trend of this month but with a little less variance. Goal is to be back to 25NL soon, I think my frame of mind and current outlook are good i just gotta put in the hands.
I haven't done any Kung-Fu this week and its driving me nuts. I have been taking it easy so this pain in my knee and my hand will go away. The hand is a ligament/tendon issue that just needs to heal. I am not sure what the deal with my knee. It is not the same pain that I had when I was running all the time in the Army. This is more in the front lower portion when there is weight on the leg but its not 100% of the time. I am hesitant to go to the doctor because I am not sure how much they can do, I am taking these joint pills and they help but it takes a long time to get them in your system. I plan on being back in class this week, so that way I am ready for sparring.
I am currently listening to "The Information" by Beck. I have it on my ipod and I am just letting it run while I am working with one headphone in. Such a great CD. If you don't have it I suggest that you give it a listen. Melissa is going to a show tonight and she wants me to go, but I looked up the bands and was not impressed so I don't think I will be going. The name of the band is the Meat Puppets and they do a lot of Nirvana like music, which is not my scene at all. I think I will hang out at home playing poker or meet up with Chad or Kevin.
I guess that is pretty much it. Nothing much else to say.
Until later.
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