Saturday, August 30, 2008

round and round it goes...

Poker is the same as usual, I still can't win on the weekends. I am not sure what I need to do to fix this. I guess more coaching is needed. I got coolered about 5 times tonight in less than 700 hands.

Work is still going well, wearing me out but its going well. I got my commission check the other day and I really can't complain about that.

I am going to watch the roast of Bob Saget, until later.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

long time no see

It has been a little bit since I have posted. Not much has been going on just working a lot. It seems like I am constantly working, I am not really working that many more hours. It is weird, maybe because I am actually having to work as opposed to sitting on my ass all day. With AT&T things are going well, it has been very busy since the new I-phone came out. You pretty much don't even have to sell it, it is the best phone around and so versatile.

Poker has been going better, I did a coaching session and since then things have been going better. It is still too early to say anything else. I will post some graphs soon.

I downloaded Team Fortress 2 and it is a really fun game to play. WOW has kind of taken a backseat and I might turn it off again soon.

That is really all for now.

Until later.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

What is the fucking deal

Why is it that whenever I play poker online on the weekends i run like total fucking shit? Every big hand gets ran down, I miss every fucking draw. Every fucking donkey on the internet gets to run good against me. FUCKING LAME. I bust my ass to play good and I still lose. Fuck it.