Wednesday, October 31, 2007

WOW a lot has happened...

Wow there has been a lot going on since my last post, some good and some bad. Lets start with the bad and get it out of the way. I had been talking with this car lot about a used 2005 Altima, it had a lot of miles on it but seemed in pretty good condition. The best thing was that they were going to finance me without a cosigner which was pretty cool. I faxed in all this info and they said come on in and we will get you taken care of, but the guy never mentioned anything about payments. I figured this was good because it would give me some leverage once I was there.

The car lot is in Carrolton which is about an hour away, I took my friend Chad because he is knowledgeable with cars and I had not driven a standard in a few years. I am not very good with driving in Dallas so I get a little turned around but no big deal. The lot is right off the high way but we miss the exit and figure there has to be a back way to get to it, well there wasn't so we wasted a bunch of time trying to find a way before turning around and taking the highway down one exit. I make a U turn at the light and am going up the access road and I get pulled over for going 58 in a 40. I asked the cop, "No chance of a warning sir?" and he replies "Not going that fast." I then ask "What if I cry?" and he replies "That will just get you another ticket." So other than being a cop not a bad guy.

I get to the lot and the guy I had been working with wasn't even there, I had to deal with some other guy who was wearing slacks a button up shirt and a Texas longhorns hat. Yea thats right a hat. Anyway, Chad and I are looking at the car and it seems OK. The center console is really kind of scratched up and there were some other small cosmetic stuff as well. Then we go to test drive it and the passenger seatbelt doesn't work unless you press on the release button as your trying to attach it. I pointed this out to the guy saying I want that fixed and he says to me, "That is why it's called Preowned brother." This guy didn't really seem to give a shit about the sale. They wanted $380 per month and that was a little bit more than I was looking to pay and after driving the car I had a bad feeling so I backed out and left. So I didn't get the car and wasted a full day and got a ticket.

So I am going to stay with my truck for a bit. Save up some money then trade it in and put money down. I am irritated that it didn't go as well as I had hoped. My mom made the whole scenario worse so I am kind of glad it didn't go as was planned. I should know by now that entering into financial situations with my family is always a bad idea.

My friend Matt from Kung-Fu has been in town this week so we have been hanging out a lot so I skipped class on Monday and today. I will be paying for it next week but its all good. I am not in any hurry to finish the system its all about the journey, not the finish.

Now on to poker. I finished OK for the month considering all the money I lost by taking shots at 25NL in the beginning of the month. If you look at my graph and take out the shots at 25nl it isn't bad at all. I will post links for my graphs with and without 25nl and my pokertracker shot for the month. I played a session today and I really didn't run very well at all and still managed to win 4 buy ins. Honestly though it should have been more like 9 buy ins. Here are links to some sick hands today.

AA preflop and guy calls off all his money.
This hand was pretty sick but I knew I was beat once the turn hit.
This one is pretty marginal, but hard to lay down.
Flop a set and still lose.

This next hand is weird because it was just me and this guy at this table and he was playing a very straight forward semi aggressive game. He was raising his button most of the time and seemed to know what he was doing. When he completed on the button I raised with AK and then he re-raised. It was totally weird because I can see a lot of people doing that with AA or KK. Here is how the hand went down.

Well, I am tired and am going to sit on the couch for a bit and then head to bed. I am working on being more consistent but it has been a busy week. I have some big things happening soon and don't want to talk about them yet but its keeping me pretty occupied.

Here is a link to my graph with out the 25nl.
Here is my total graph including 25nl.
Here is my Poker tracker shot.


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Yet another update.

Well I didn't think I was going to have anything to blog about today but then I decided to play some poker. It was not looking good for the majority of the session, talk about swingy. At first I wasn't hitting anything and then that turned around. I dumped off some chips towards the end of my sessions but its 3AM so needless to say I am not playing my A game. My stats are so out of whack here lately, but I am not playing to have pretty stats I am playing to win money.

I had a couple of pretty big hands back to back on one of my tables. I got a guy to put all his money in with a flush draw and I had a set of fives. Then on the next hand I flopped open ended and check called an Ace hit the turn and I bet about 2/3 of the pot trying to represent a big hand. My opponent shoved all in and I had to call and my straight made on the river. So those were two hands that really helped me get to profit town.

I am finally back in the green for this month after my horrible shot at $25NL. Its not much but its nice to know that I can make a recovery. For the month of October so far I have played 22,258 hands and had won $25.06. It would be a lot more but I dumped $180.00 at $25NL earlier this month. My overall stats for the month at 25/19 which is kind of loose. I have been cold calling raises in position with hands that play well after the flop.

The plan like I said is to grind $10NL until I have at least $600 so I can absorb some hits at $25NL if need be. Hopefully that won't be too terribly long. With the way things are going currently it might be before the end of this month if I can squeeze enough hands in. I am really happy with the amount of hands I have been getting in, I should hit 30K hands.

Today was an OK day. I was kind of in an irritated mood at work today about this whole car thing. I am really pissed at myself for screwing my credit up when I was younger. I wish I could go back and undo all of that, but whatever it's done and there is nothing I can do about it now unfortunately. I have found a couple of cars that will work I just need to see what the lots can do for me.

It is now 3:30 AM and I am still not really tired. I think I am going to play a little counter-strike to tire my eyes out. Goal for tomorrow is another 2k hands and 3 buy-ins profit. I will post and with results.

Monday, October 22, 2007

2 posts in 2 days??? I think I am on to something here.

Well apparently today is the first day of Autumn here in Fort Worth. A cold front blew in last night and it is actually chilly outside. I am quite excited that it is finally cooling off. Autumn is my favorite time of year and it is nice to have to be able to wear a jacket at night. Seeing as how we are halfway through October its about damn time.

I watched the final table of the main event for the World Series of Poker and I must say that I could not be less impressed with Jerry Yang's play. I think its just atrocious, I am all for being aggressive with a big stack but I think he played really bad. He pretty much doubled up everyone at the final table and then had to actually try to play poker. It really doesn't make the game look skillful to the average person watching on TV.

I am about to leave for Kung-Fu class here in about 20 minutes. Since the move the school has been growing significantly especially Wing Chun. Classes are getting so big that Sifu is having to change some things around and I think its going to be good for all parties involved, the beginner students and the advanced students. I think that will start tonight, we shall see.

I called a place about a car I found online its pretty sweet but it was a little bit more than what I had in mind by about $8k or so and the guy told me I would need a co-signer. I am a little worried that even if I find a car in my price range that this will still be an issue and it sucks. I wish I was still dealing at the Basement because I could pay a car off in record time. I am talking to a friend who deals at the Back room to see if I could deal for her on Saturday nights because that would allow me to make at least an extra $150 per week/ $600 per month which is a decent car payment and the full coverage insurance I would have to carry. Hopefully that works because I am really tired of the O'reilly auto parts truck.

Earlier today I played a small session, it was only 289 hands. I was looking at cars and doing some other stuff so I didn't get started until a little later on in the afternoon and Melissa come home on her lunch break so I hung out with her. I decided to play $10NL because the bankroll is getting a close to the period where I should be taking shots. I know that I can play and win at $10NL but I only was playing 6 tables so I could be a little more careful and not so much on auto pilot. Playing less tables I was a good deal looser preflop, generally I run around 19/16 or so and today I played 28/21. Granted it was a very small sample but it seemed to work. I am posting a graph and a poker tracker screen shot. I read an article in Card Player Magazine that basically says the easier your bankroll is to replace the more willing you should be to gamble with it. With that advice in mind I am going to take some serious shots at $10NL and hopefully play there until I have about $600-$700 and then move up to $25NL. $25NL is where I have had trouble in the past so I am going to make sure I am a little over rolled for it. I am not saying that I am not going to take shots at it here and there, but want to be able to absorb any large losses with relative ease.

Link to graph
Link to poker tracker

Well its time to go to class.

Until later.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Weeky update (at work again)

Well despite my better efforts I am still not being as consistent as I would like. Not much has been going on. My only other session playing poker this week was a short one. Friday after I got home from work Melissa had some friends over and they were carving pumpkins so I decided to squeeze in a session. Pretty much as soon as I had settled in they were leaving so the session was only 200 hands but I ran pretty well and made 2.5 buy ins so that was nice. It also made me wonder if I might be missing out on value because I generally sit at the same tables until they break.

I am wondering if by doing this my opponents are seeing how aggressive I am and start to play back at me. I know that most people at my level are not great players but everyone notices the same guy win pot after pot. Maybe I should set a goal playing like 50 hands or winning like 50% increase in my stack getting up and leaving the table. This is kind of hard to do playing 9 tables at the same time. I don't think I will start doing this but it's an interesting theory.

Last night Melissa and I met some friends at "Thrillvania" which is on the east side of Dallas a little over an hour away. This was the first time in probably 6 years that I have been to a haunted house and after all the hype I was looking forward to it. Unfortunately it was kind of lame. It cost $35 a piece for the VIP pass that allows you to wait in a not as long line and we had $5 coupons. It says 6 attractions but I only counted 5 and one of them was a little maze that was made of chicken wire and had strobe lights. The houses are nonstop lines, not done in groups. You are basically being herded through these houses so it basically becomes a timing issue. One of the attractions was a bayou where its basically pretty open and people just run up on you. Melissa wore sandals (I am not sure why) so we skipped that. The other house had a really long line that didn't really move so we skipped that as well.

Honestly for the drive and the expense this place is not worth it. I would rather have driven 10 minutes spent less and gone to Hangman's. I am planning on going to check out Hangman's at some point this week and we shall see which is better.

Only 4 hours until I am done with work. I am ready to go home and play some poker, need to make some money so I can move up. Ready to start making the better money than I am currently. At least the calls are slowing down, I started writing this at 12:20 and its now 5.

I am looking for a decently cheap used car, my mom offered me $1800 for my truck which is way more than I can get any other way. The thing that sucks is my credit isn't great and I don't have any money put away. I have been looking over Autotrader and every car I find has already been sold the day before I call. I am being pretty picky because if I am going to be making a payment on a car I want it to be something I like.

Anyway I am going to read some forums and play some Teagames until I am done with work. I'll post anything interesting from my session tonight tomorrow.


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

sick night last night

Last night I decided I would have a rum and coke. It wasn't overly strong and it was only one. I decided that I would put in some hands and I guess I was playing a little more aggro. I guess that combined with some tilt and running pretty bad led to me losing A LOT. After a really long session I made a small come back and it was a manageable loss. I decided to wake up this morning and play until I was in profit town. Took a long time but am now officially in the green for $7.50 for 2885 hands.
Link to graph is here.

I am pumped to go to Kung-Fu tonight. I didn't go on Monday because Melissa wasn't feeling very well. I stayed home and took care of her and played Metroid on the Wii. Its a pretty sick game I am going to have to buy it. I am currently eating corny dogs and once I am done I am going to watch a Card runner video and put in some more hands to try to make some real profit today.
Until later.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

At work on a sunday...

Well I am done with training for Pier 1 and am officially on my own. I started my regular schedule today and it has gone pretty well so far. I am not saying that I have it all down and that I am billy bad ass or anything but it hasn't been to bad. I have no intention of leaving this job anytime soon I am very happy with everything here.

I wish poker was going well. I was taking some pretty aggressive shots at $25nl and was doing ok then it turned bad. It was a combination of tilt and getting a little unlucky. I find myself going on auto pilot and playing marginal spots when I don't need to be. I know that I have some leaks like calling raises with marginal cards that are likely dominated. I should be mucking hands like K T suited and calling or 3 betting with like 45 suited or 56 suited. Hands that are likely very live and have lots of value if I can hit a flop decently. Also playing those hands to showdown will increase my business when I have a large hand. Anyway I have had to move back down to 5nl because I got stubborn and lost way too much at 25nl when I should have just been taking shots. I am comfortable that within a week I will be back up to 10nl.

I have been putting a lot of faith in what I have been reading on the 2p2 forums but I think some of the logic isn't really applicable to my stakes. A lot of people are saying that if you raise with AKs and someone re raises you, that you should be 4 betting all in. This came up multiple times yesterday and there just are not enough people at the micro stakes 3 betting light. Every time yesterday the guy had aces except for once and he had QQ and I missed. Up until now I have been putting so much emphasis on my preflop play and kind of letting post flop take care of itself but I think that my skill is coming up on a level where I can be raising/stealing with a very wide range of hands and then just play poker from the flop on. Just need to tighten up and stop calling large bets on the turn and river with just one pair. Someone on the forums said that if you folded every hand at micro limits when you got check raised or raised unless you had a super strong hand your win rate would be astronomical. I am thinking about giving this a shot. I find myself doubting everyone and thinking K9 on a K high board and the turn is a J and I get raised by a tight player is still good. Its not. I am not playing with the good LAGs of the game. I am playing with people who don't know what they are doing are not floating me on the flop to take it away from me on the turn.

I have been in talks with a local guy who I met on 2p2 and we are going to work out a coaching deal so I can hopefully move up faster. Coaching has become a big trend and you get a lot of guys who just want the money and charge a lot of money. This guy just expects to make what his regular hourly rate is. He told me that he likes to teach and that is why he doesn't charge insane amounts. I have seen a lot of his graphs and he does very well. I asked him how sure was he that his coaching would help me and he said that if I wasn't satisfied he would refund me the money, I am pretty happy with a response like that.

I am watching updates on for the cowboy game and I was honestly expecting a much bigger blow out. Dallas was doing pretty well in keeping the game close but it seems like they are falling off towards the end.

I am not going to post graphs or stats because it makes me want to puke. Rest assured that it is bad and I freely admit that part of it was some tilt. One hand yesterday was really gross. I have AA and I raise and some one re raises me and another guy calls. They are both short stacks and so I raise enough to put them all in and they both call. One has AK and the other has AQ. The flop comes 3 spades and no ace and no king. I have the Ace of spades so I am still comfortable, but then there is a queen on the turn and a queen on the river. I was a little irritated but whatever.

I have been trying to open up my music tastes again. I am starting to get tired of listening to the same stuff so have been going to Pandora which is like a music exploration site and checking out some new stuff.

Kung-Fu has been going well and there isn't really anything to talk about there that makes sense. Just a lot of theory and I think I might be testing soon, but I could be wrong it has happened before. Anyway until later.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Sick run yesterday

I know that is been a little bit but sorry having a job takes up more time than it should. Been busy getting settled in and used to work 40 hours per week. I have been slacking on my poker, I need to be putting more hands but as of right now all the tables at my limit are full of short stackers which I hate. So I am going to update this shower and iron some clothes for the upcoming week.

I had been beating the $5NL and so I moved up to $10NL and was not doing very well at all. I was playing too aggressively and was putting myself into marginal situations. I was going to move back down to $5NL but I wanted to take one more shot before I did. I had a fantastic day. I ran very well but also I played very well, was trying very hard to stay out of marginal situations. It also helps that in two spots yesterday my KK beat AA. I will post links for the graph and for my poker tracker.

Work is going well, I am picking it up very quickly and will be on my own soon. It isn't a very difficult job, just takes getting all the systems down. I am very happy with it so far though. I am going to start using the gym after my shift on days that I don't have Kung-Fu to get into better shape. I think that having my body in better condition will improve my mental conditioning as well. I find my game slipping a little after playing 2 or 3 hours in a row. I have been listening to a lot of different music lately and have been working on importing all my music onto my Ipod. It is so time consuming and its taking awhile, but it will be nice when its all done.

I have been watching Sports Center in the mornings before I go to work, I used to watch it a lot when I was waiting tables because it would be on in the bar. I am not the biggest sports fan ever but I like to watch Sports Center to keep myself updated. I am glad that Randy Moss has decided to shut up and play. The last couple of years he has been such a punk and wasting his talent, its good that he is showing up to play again.

Well that is pretty much it. I am going to recheck some tables and put in some hands if I can get away from the short stackers that are plaguing me.

Link to my graph from yesterday.
Link to my Pokertracker from yesterday.