Sunday, October 7, 2007

Sick run yesterday

I know that is been a little bit but sorry having a job takes up more time than it should. Been busy getting settled in and used to work 40 hours per week. I have been slacking on my poker, I need to be putting more hands but as of right now all the tables at my limit are full of short stackers which I hate. So I am going to update this shower and iron some clothes for the upcoming week.

I had been beating the $5NL and so I moved up to $10NL and was not doing very well at all. I was playing too aggressively and was putting myself into marginal situations. I was going to move back down to $5NL but I wanted to take one more shot before I did. I had a fantastic day. I ran very well but also I played very well, was trying very hard to stay out of marginal situations. It also helps that in two spots yesterday my KK beat AA. I will post links for the graph and for my poker tracker.

Work is going well, I am picking it up very quickly and will be on my own soon. It isn't a very difficult job, just takes getting all the systems down. I am very happy with it so far though. I am going to start using the gym after my shift on days that I don't have Kung-Fu to get into better shape. I think that having my body in better condition will improve my mental conditioning as well. I find my game slipping a little after playing 2 or 3 hours in a row. I have been listening to a lot of different music lately and have been working on importing all my music onto my Ipod. It is so time consuming and its taking awhile, but it will be nice when its all done.

I have been watching Sports Center in the mornings before I go to work, I used to watch it a lot when I was waiting tables because it would be on in the bar. I am not the biggest sports fan ever but I like to watch Sports Center to keep myself updated. I am glad that Randy Moss has decided to shut up and play. The last couple of years he has been such a punk and wasting his talent, its good that he is showing up to play again.

Well that is pretty much it. I am going to recheck some tables and put in some hands if I can get away from the short stackers that are plaguing me.

Link to my graph from yesterday.
Link to my Pokertracker from yesterday.

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