Monday, September 24, 2007

Lot has been going on.

Well I have once again fell into the habit of not posting on this thing, but I have had a lot going on here lately. My birthday has come and gone I am now 27 years old and officially old. I really was not looking forward to this one but whatever no big deal I suppose. I went out with Melissa and Chad and had some drinks it was a pretty cool night.
I hit the job market pretty hard, interviewing and receiving lots of offers at places that I had some issue with. One was too far for the money and another was not at all what I thought it was and another was in a restaurant. I finally received an offer from a company that I won't name to work in their corporate center which is just outside of downtown Fort Worth. It is super close and the money is pretty good and the people I have met so far seem really nice.

When I went in to interview they were looking for part-time night positions, I told them that I needed full time and I didn't really want to work nights and that I couldn't work on nights that I have Kung-Fu. They were very impressed with me I suppose because I usually do very well in an interview atmosphere. They ended up giving me a full-time position and a mid-shift with Monday and Wednesday completely off. I will have to work on Saturday and Sunday but no big deal, being the new guy I can't expect the schedule of my choice. I work from 10-6 everyday except Sunday which I work 12-9. This is pretty much perfect for me, I don't have to get up really early and I don't have to work late. I can go out after work and its still a reasonable hour. I start there tomorrow and I am pretty excited about it.

I dealt a tournament yesterday at the "back room" and made a much needed $300. Watching the flow of hands while dealing I find that I pick up a lot more about players than if I am playing. Some of the play was atrocious, but I didn't really expect too much honestly. People limping in first position and limping on a short stack, it drives me nuts. I can't wait to get some money coming in so I can play a few tournaments here and there, they are a crap shoot but the paydays can be huge.

Kung-Fu has been going well, we have started to really break it down and learn about the why it works and for me that is something that really helps my learning process. It has really been an eye opening experience and at the same time has helped to reawaken my drive for it. I have been very consistent for the past two weeks and it is showing when I am working out in class. I think it might be getting close for me to test again, I am not in any hurry but it would be very cool.

As far as my poker goes I lost some of my motivation, I wasn't playing as much and just taking it easy. I am not going to hit 30k hands for the month I might make 20k if I work at it. I just got tired of playing and only making small amounts. The good news is that I think I have finally established a foot hold at the higher level that was giving me problems but it might still be too soon to tell, we shall see. There is a link to my graph for the month here. Going to go play some hands now I will post again soon.

One last minute thing, on a friend's advice I watched a show called "Always Sunny in Philadelphia" and I have to say its amazing. You can purchase the first 2 seasons for like $30 at Target I highly recommend buying it, if you enjoy "Seinfeld" and "Arrested Development" you will enjoy this show.


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