Sunday, November 4, 2007

Ok so maybe I should have called this not enough time

So its Sunday and I have read all the decent forums on 2p2 in the micro forums. I read some of the anthology and am now bored to tears so time to post a blog. I have :55 minutes until I can go home and put in some hands. November has been a horrible month so far, almost 4k hands and -$6. A part of me would rather be down like $40 as opposed to $6. That is a slightly degenerate outlook but hey its true. I played to sit and go tournies yesterday of the 180 man variety, one was $20 (first prize looked sexy) and the other was $4 (right where I should be). I didn't really catch any cards and was playing 6 cash tables at the same time. Tonight when I get home a guy from 2p2 is going to sweat my session and take a look at my play and see why my sessions are so swingy.

I hear that the Patriots beat the Colts. I was honestly expecting the Colts to win but I think I am happier about the Pats winning it. I think a part of that is because I had a boss who was a die hard Colts fan and he is such a prick.

A friend of mine turned me onto this comic book series that I have started reading. He has the compilation books so I have the first 3 at home. I briefly started it last night and brought the first 2 books to work with me and polished them off in short order. Its a pretty good story and I am excited to read the others. The name of the series is called Preacher and its pretty good, not your typical comic book story.

We have been slow at work this week since all the temps are out of training and the holiday volume hasn't picked up yet, so I have been reading a lot of 2p2 and just doing research on random things I want to buy. I have decided what I am going to do with my computer situation. I am going to buy a lap top and let Melissa use the desktop. I will buy a secondary large monitor like 22" so I can hook it up to my lap top and play on that when I am playing seriously. I just would like to sit in the living room and play on my computer while playing on my laptop. I have done a lot of researching and I have decided that I am going to buy a HP Pavilion. I haven't found a bad review for these and the prices are very good as well. I get a work discount with Dell and my friend can get me an IBM discount but still the HP is cheaper than the IBM and I hear that Dell has a lot of problems.

I need to get some money together and play some live poker I think. I miss playing the tournaments at the Basement. I know its a crap shoot but one win on a Tuesday night is easily $2500 which would be a nice little payday. I bought Guitar Hero 3 for the Nintendo Wii the other day and its a fun game, I know own all 3. They are more for Melissa than me, I amaze myself that I am no better at that game than I am currently, but I don't put any effort into it so that might be a reason.

I did my forms this morning and I will be very glad to get to class tomorrow. I am starting to do one of my forms on the wooden dummy and it really makes you think about how your directing your energy and moving around an entity and cutting in. Also it would be cool to test sometime soon, I would love to do more of the progression in Chi-Sao.

Nothing much else is going on. Hopefully tomorrow I can post a blog with some good results from my session tonight. I have to get my oil changed and my truck inspected tomorrow so that might cut into my poker/blog posting.

Until later

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