Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Interesting situation

OK I am going to get the poker stuff out of the way first. After I posted last Saturday and spoke with Jason I decided to take a shot at 25NL. I wanted to see how I played and felt and then go from there. I know that I said that I want to even out my stats but, I am playing for money not my stats. I ran pretty bad and was overly aggressive while I was getting used to the play at this new level. At one point during the session I was down 12 buy-ins, but I maintained discipline and didn't tilt and battled back to only down 6 buy-ins.

I know this sounds like I got my dick smacked in the dirt but, it was actually a very good session. I didn't feel over whelmed or anything like that. I just ran pretty cold, I was making plays that are going to be high variance. I decided to play again on Sunday. I won over 4 buy-ins, so now I am only down 2 buy-ins which I am incredibly happy about. The session was pretty rough too, KK vs AA I lost a stack, I flopped a set of Kings and had a guy hit runner runner straight, then I had QQ vs AK all in preflop and he his an Ace. So it wasn't like a picture perfect session, I should have won about 7 buy-ins. I really feel that I can maintain at this level, as opposed to all the other times I have played at this level.

Yesterday I played a little bit before leaving for Kung-Fu and since I didn't have a lot of time I just played 10NL. I wound up wining over 6 buy-ins from this complete donkey who was at 4 of my tables. He was the greatest horrible player I have ever seen, he was so aggressive that people were laying down and so he had multiple buy-ins at all the tables. I folded a few hands to him before I saw how aggro-tard he really is. Then I turned up my aggression and won a lot of money off of him. I was down 2 buy-ins and this guy got me all the way back up to over 4 buy-ins positive. My lifetime stats for this limit now is negative half a buy in, I will make that in the next couple of days.

I am really excited about my progression and feel really confident that I can be crushing 25NL for a good amount this month. I have to put some of the credit to deuces cracked. Those videos have helped so much and so has cutting down on the amount of tables I am playing.

So onto the interesting situation. I was in class last night and I was a little late because I was playing poker against the total donkey. He was so bad that I just couldn't quit. I was explaining this to Sifu when all of the sudden he got very excited and told me that he needed to talk to me about something. We walk out into the parking lot and tells me about how he was taking out some trash and there was a guy who was moving a box. He dropped the box and poker chips went everywhere. Sifu helped him pick up the chips and he was telling Sifu that he was having a small friendly game. Sifu looks up the stairs and there is a poker table up there. He understands that its probably more than a "friendly game". He is telling me this when the guy comes down the stairs and it is a guy that I know from the Basement. We start talking and I ask him if he needs a dealer and he said yes.

There is a poker room in Arlington that is closing called the Green Room. The owner of that is part owner in this room and is bringing a list of players with him. They are going to start out with some free-rolls to get the business going and see what happens. It is only going to be two tables at the most so it wont be on par with the money I was making at the Basement but even if its like $300 a week it would be a nice bump. They are spreading games on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. It could be a good situation and I could use the extra money.

I am leaving today at 4:30 in order to make it to the place a little early. I don't want to show up in my work clothes, I am going to go home and change. It will also give me some time to see Melissa which is important.

Class last night was good. There were only 4 people in 3rd hour who were above me. Sifu has been bringing up people into third hour a little earlier than he used to because he needs extra people to teach in the second hour. They work on their stuff off to the side. I worked with Derrick for the majority of the night, not the best work-out partner, but better than working alone. I spoke with Tai-Chi Bobby and Sifu about the sparring and my thoughts and we are going to work on it. Apparently I knocked down the guy during my sparring match. I stepped into him and my structure knocked him down. I had no idea and feel much better about it. Bobby and I spoke at length and he said that everyone goes through that and by doing it more it becomes easier and more relaxed.

I am not going to go on Saturday because Sifu is going to be out of town and the class is going to be ran by a high ranking Mantis student. I am going to go next Friday when Sifu is back in town and will be running it. I am also going to get with a few people who I am comfortable with to work out with the pads as well. I need to work on my distance appreciation and other things.

My knee for some reason is hurting a lot here lately. It is not the same knee as last time and not even the same pain. This feels more like a twist, than anything else. I hope that its better soon because it is effecting some of my movements and footwork.

I guess that is it for now. I will update tomorrow or the next day with a trip report from the new card room.

Until later.

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