Thursday, July 31, 2008

Wow did he really...?

So last night I was watching "America's Got Talent" last night, it is a guilty pleasure what can I say, and it is still early on so you see loads of people who are terrible. There is this guy who comes out with a guitar and is wearing his army uniform. It wasn't the one you are supposed to wear out in public it was the BDU (battle dress uniform). It really pissed me off.

The BDU is a work uniform and according to military ettiquette you should not be wearing it out and about. If you stop by the store on your way home that is ok but you don't wear it out to dinner or go to the movies in it. You sure as hell don't wear it to a talent show. He should have been wearing class A's or class B's.

They did a back story about him and how he was deployed for 15 months and blah blah blah. He is like 34 and a specialist it is probably because he doesn't understand common policies and procedures.

They voted him through and he wasn't even good it was all based on him being in the military and being deployed. You shouldn't be drawing attention to yourself like that. What a fucking joke, I would love to punch that guy in the face.

Until later.

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