Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas, poker some other stuff

Christmas was once again very crazy and busy. This one was really good though, I had enough money to get everyone something and get Melissa some really good stuff. I got Melissa a pea coat and a really cool David Bowie belt that she went nuts over. We got up on Christmas morning and then went to Gainsville to spend the morning with her family. It was really nice Bella went with us and she did better on the car trip and did really good at the house. We had lunch and then I took a nap and then we got up and came home before going to Mom's house. We went to Mom's and exchanged presents and finally made it home after about 12 hours.

It was a good day though one of the best ones I have had in awhile. I received some really nice things. A new ring an Ihome for my ipod, some nice sweaters and so on. The hardest part was work, it has been crazy the lat few days. I am going to start looking at other jobs but with the economy the way it is I am not sure how easy that will be. Hopefully I can find something that I will enjoy.

Poker has been meh, I havent been playing much, but I played a session today and did ok. I played decent for the most part I made a few mistakes but nothing too bad. I was up as much as like $80, then had a few beats and wound up making like $37. A win is a win.

I am really not in the mood to write, so until later.

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