Thursday, January 3, 2008

Poker is rough

OK it is not that bad I guess. I have moved back down to the lowest limit possible just to try out a few new things. I played 707 hands and made 4 buy ins. It should have been like 15 but I run horrible.

Those are really the only big pots I lost where I got sucked out on. I am going to continue 12 tabling for awhile. I can beat this level without really even thinking.

Kung-Fu last night was really good, but I was pretty worn out since I had missed so much class. Good news is since classes are getting so big Sifu moved up some of the second hour guys into third hour. So that means I am not the most junior student and they have to vacuum. HELL YEA.

That is really it for now, just wanted to post a quick update so get into the habit.
Until later.

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