Sunday, February 3, 2008

Feb update; the first of many

Ok so it's Superbowl Sunday and I am at work, it is not a huge deal though. I like Superbowl parties but if I was at home I wouldnt be watching the game most likely. I played a little poker on Friday night and I think my Friday night curse is lifted. I had a 5 buy in session which is the biggest session I have had in awhile. The total session was less than 900 hands so my winrate for the month looks pretty good. Lets hope I can maintain for a month so I can get to a point where I can pay some bills atleast with my profits.

I think I am going to start dealing on a few Monday nights. I will be missing Kung-Fu but I could really use the money to get my laptop and to get into a new car. I will make up by going to Friday night classes at Kung-Fu. I am really tired of my truck and really want to get into a new car and just need to get some cash together.

I am going to go with a custom built laptop at as opposed to buying one from a store. I can get everything I want and its a little bit cheaper this way. I have to wait like 2 weeks for it to be shipped but no big deal. Having that will really up my monthly hand amount for poker and that should be a good thing as long as I continue to play decently.

Kung-Fu is going well, I am learning a lot of new things including; Clinch Drill, Arm-breaking drill, and first progressions in Chi-Sao. The progressions are hard because it everyone does them a little differently, but I will get them soon. Everything else is going pretty well, things are coming along smoothly.

That is really it for now not much else going on. I will update again soon.

Until later.

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